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Quote For Carpool Service

Receive a customized quote for our safe and reliable private car service for kids. Let us provide transportation tailored to your child’s needs.

Affordable, Safe Rides for Your Child

Request A Quote For Carpool Service

We would like to provide you with some important information regarding the upcoming school year and the associated payment details.

School Year Overview:

Our school year spans 10 months, from August to May. While August and June include only a few weeks of school, we base our academic calendar on these 10 months.

Attendance Schedule:

Students attend school Monday through Friday, totaling approximately 20 days per month. However, due to holidays, some months will have 20 school days, while others may have only 15.

Semester Breakdown:

First Semester: August to December (5 months)
Second Semester: January to May (5 months)

Booking Criteria:

Booking for the Whole School Year:
Booking for the Whole Semester:
Month-to-Month Booking:

Our transportation fees for this type of service typically start at $75 per one way trip

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